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Automatically syncing Org Mode documents to an iOS devicePublished: September 2, 2021

With the next semester coming up, I’m going through my usual process of fixing what isn’t broken and changing my organization system.

Syntactically Correct Smiley FacesPublished: August 8, 2021

This post will attempt to answer the question on everyone’s minds: How can I use smiley faces in my code? Apart from the obvious smiley…

Tips for testing with SpacyPublished: August 1, 2021

This post will include various tips I’ve picked up for testing code that uses Spacy.

Lazy Load the Pipeline

If you’re using a testing tool…

How to keep original noun chunk spans in Spacy after merging noun chunksPublished: July 24, 2021


I was using Spacy at work recently to do some information extraction on text, and I was using merge_noun_chunks to simplify finding dependencies…

Windows AudioPublished: December 5, 2020

I was having an issue where the “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” process was taking up too much CPU and causing my fan to spin up…

MagitPublished: November 14, 2020

This post will describe the process of setting up a stand-alone Magit terminal app, as well as general tips and advice regarding Magit. Feel…

Winter (term) is ComingPublished: January 4, 2020

With winter term approaching, I thought I’d write out some thoughts on the previous term and my plan going forward.

Reflecting on Fall Term

Diving Into Org ModePublished: December 31, 2019


My goal is to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of Org-mode, then branch off into things like brain and org for math and…

My SetupPublished: December 26, 2019

French 209

Throughout French 209 I used OneNote (from the Microsoft Store) for study notes. I would create a page for each class and for…